Life as we know it

Hiba Aloul
2 min readDec 2, 2020

a pandemic ‘humor me’ poem

Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Do you want to do this with me?

As cliché as it might be

close your eyes now

can you see?

We are dancing the night away

no space between us, bumping into strangers and not apologizing

Hugging and kissing after a weekend away

not sanitizing

Shops are open outside and in

Sharing tables at crowded dine-ins

There is no risk in traveling

What is social distancing anyway?

I haven’t heard of this oxymoron before today

A face mask is a scrub I use once a week

To make my skin glow

What pandemic? Oh, you mean the Spanish flu

Poor them at that time

They needed a century to grow

Work from home, distant learning, lock down and curfew, quarantine!

Which novel are you reading? What autobiography!

I can’t even imagine going through this

Thankfully we are more progressed

This can’t happen in our times

I am so thankful we are fine

There’s a gathering tonight, wanna come?

About 40 people in a small home

It’ll be cozy, we’re sharing finger food

It’s a mini send-off party

In my honor

I am backpacking Europe

In a few hours

Laughing and laughing and laughing

We open our eyes

That was a nice zoom call

Don’t you think?



Hiba Aloul

I write about what worked with me throughout my healing journey, some poetry and day-to-day humanness. Getting over the fear of sharing my writing. Be kind